…and then I disappeared for 4 months.

Sorry about that.

I did not abandon my mission or anything like that, and as you know if you follow me elsewhere, I am still alive and as well as I was before the pandemic started, from what my doctors and I can tell, anyway.

It’s just been something of a weird time to put aside the world’s troubles and think solely of hobbies, even if I am still engaging with mine. I will say that I’m doing so tentatively, for a variety of reasons. I’ve made a handful of card deals (thanks to Madding, Night Owl, AJ, Vossbrink and Gavin, and I hope I got everyone there), but haven’t quite managed to get all the scans done that I want to.

To talk a little bit more of cards, I also picked up something really awesome that I want to feature here, but again, for a variety of reasons, I haven’t had the time or energy to do it justice yet. Until 5 minutes ago, I hadn’t even opened it, even though I got it in late June, and that’s a damned shame, because it’s amazing, it’s something I think a lot of you are going to want to get for yourselves, and I’m glad that writing this post got me off my ass to look through it. I know that not even telling y’all what I got is a big tease, but I wanted to let everyone know I was alive here, before I started scanning and writing at length. It’s gonna be a little while longer on this one, too, because I have a lot of card backs to read, and a lot of card fronts to look at more closely. Stay tuned, and your patience will hopefully be rewarded.

I haven’t just been doing things with cards, though. While I’ve tried to keep the number of transactions I’ve made for frivolous things to a minimum, mostly because I don’t want people to have too much unnecessary contact with one another, here and there, I’ve grabbed some things. A record or two, a few DVDs, a couple video games, some comics, that sort of thing. I’ve not been in a retail store of any “non-essential” kind since March 6th (thankfully, my local comic shop does both curbside pickup and delivery), and my local flea market did the difficult but sensible thing and never opened up this year, but some stuff still found its way to me, and I’ve caught up on some other stuff. I even completed a few comic book series I’ve been working on collecting for a very long time: New Teen Titans Vol. 1 and All-Star Squadron, with the last issue of Son of Satan on its way to me as well, thanks to that eBay coupon (and thanks to Grogg for alerting me to that, as well, because I didn’t get an email notification about it).

A lot of this stuff, I haven’t spent time with yet, though, because again, it can be hard to focus on fun things with a series of looming existential threats around us all. As I’m able to get past all that, in tiny chunks, I’ll be telling you about it.

In the meantime, I hope that you’ve all been well and safe, or recovered fully if that wasn’t the case. I also hope that you’re managing to keep yourself busy with fun things on occasion, too.

A Thing About Image Captions

In the process of frantically wrapping up the year in review/hobby goals stuff overnight, I forgot to talk about a thing I’ve started working on.

Some of you may have noticed that I’ve added more thorough image captions to newer posts on this site (and while I honestly may not get to it all, I have intentions of doing this with my older posts over time, as well). If you haven’t noticed it yet, yes, it’s a thing I’m doing intentionally. This is a work in progress, and one I’m honestly finding to be pretty challenging, but I think it’s worthwhile work, not just for me and my site, but for all of us.

Somehow, I made it decades into my time on the Internet without thinking enough about how my posts, which are occasionally very visual in nature, were severely under-serving visually impaired people. This was a mistake, and I’m sorry that I made it. I’m far from alone in making this mistake, but that doesn’t mean I, or any of us, should just keep making it.

So, recently, I’ve started looking into best practices for captioning images for the visually impaired. This is still a work in progress, without a ton of agreement on a style guide that I’ve been able to find. (If you know of one that’s largely agreed upon, please let me know.)

With that in mind, I’m reading the things I can find on the subject, and am doing my best. On my best days, I’m not great at brevity, so I’m still working on being both concise and descriptive. If you do a lot of this work and have suggestions, please let me know.

If there’s anyone wondering how something like this applies to baseball cards, for instance: I grew up hearing stories about my great-grandfather (my mom’s grandfather), who lived with my mom’s family, and had lost his sight somewhere along the way. He was a big Brooklyn Dodgers fan, but he’d listen to any game on the radio or TV. I don’t know whether he had much exposure to baseball cards, even with younger grand-kids in the house, but given that he was a fan, the information on those cards was just as relevant to him as it is to anyone sighted. If Red Barber and Vin Scully could describe things about the game to him, then I can certainly try my best to do the same for everyone else.

More recently and personally, my eyesight has been deteriorating, most likely as a result of the head injuries I’ve sustained. My last concussion changed my prescription significantly. I can’t read most ingredient lists on food packages, or most card backs, without eyeglasses at this point. (Topps needs to start thinking about big, legible numbers on their cards soon, because their customer base is aging rapidly.) I’ve been pretty fortunate, in that I made it to my 40s without these issues, but it’s still frustrating to lose the ability to do things.

I try not to be a person who only cares about a thing if it’s happening to me, or to someone I know. Above, I noted that I should’ve been doing this work all along, regardless of how well I or anyone else I know can see. Sometimes, these anecdotes help other people understand experiences they may not have had, though, so I’m sharing. In a perfect world, people would do things to help people who need assistance because it’s part of being a decent person and a member of a functioning society. Alas, the world isn’t perfect, and plenty of us aren’t taught to do the right thing on stuff like this (absolutely my experience). So, if me talking about my great-grandfather listening to Dodger games or my not being able to read card backs leads to us making the Internet a better place in some small way, awesome.

This news about captioning also means that this site will transform in some other ways. I’m probably going to opt for shorter posts moving forward, with fewer images. In fairness, the amount of information, especially visual information I’ve included in some of my posts has been excessive at times. (No one *really* needed to see my entire 1971 Topps set, fronts and backs, in a single post.) This may also mean more posts from me, as I’ll be compartmentalizing information a bit more. We’ll see how all of that goes.

In the meantime, if you have thoughts about this subject (and please, be kind, not just to me, but in general), please let me know in the comments, or email me.

A few quick things…

1. I hope you’re all well, and stay that way. If I haven’t heard from you in a while, or even if I have, drop a line in the comments or via email, when you can. I think it’s pretty important to keep in touch right now.

2. I will be finishing My Year In Hobbies 2019 relatively soon. I plan on not leaving the house for a while, if I can help it, so it shouldn’t be that hard to make time for.

3. I’d say that we’re still looking for teams for my fantasy baseball leagues, but there kinda might not be sports for a while, so feel free to apply, but who the hell knows?

4. I plan on killing some time at Heck if the sudden downtime allows for it, and have also been playing No Man’s Sky on PS4 again of late (email if you want to meet up).

5. If you’d like to get notified when this site updates, there’s an email subscription form in the top right hand corner (or, on mobile, wherever this blasted unresponsive WordPress theme puts it, until I redo the layout). It’s relatively low-traffic, and will keep you in the loop, if you’re not one of the 3 people who are subscribed to my RSS feed.

That’s it for now. If I think of more, I can always post again (and annoy the email subscribers).


2020 Hobby Goals Part I: What Goes Where

I’ve been trying to figure this out FOREVER, basically since I opened this site in 2016, and I think I’ve finally got it. This will be a rare case of me mentioning my other website, and, since I’m in the process of moving people there from other social media (I deleted my Facebook account a week ago), it will likely be an extremely rare case of me cross-posting some of the information from this post on both of my websites.

If you’re wondering why I don’t talk more about the other site, or perhaps didn’t know I had it, I created this site just under four years ago, because I wanted some more separation between my personal life and discussion of my hobbies. At that point in time, I only had one website, and worse, one Twitter account, so people who were going to either would see me ranting about politics and mental health, then talking about what cards Bo and I had traded in the next breath. It was disorienting and uncomfortable for me, so it was probably also a pretty rough experience for my readers, as well.

Without further adieu, this was what I came up with:

This Website:

Gaming Hobbies:

Fantasy Baseball
Tabletop Games
Video Games

Internet Hobbies:

Hobby and Gaming Websites/Apps
Second Life

Physical Artifact Collecting Hobbies:

Action Figures and Other Toys
Comic Books
Compact Discs/Records/Tapes/Etc.
Movies and Television (4K Blu-Rays/Blu-Rays/DVDs/VHS/Etc.)
Musical Equipment (Synthesizers, etc.)
Trading Cards

Note that what I write about these here will only cover the collection and acquisition of the above. In the future, at least after I finish “My Year in Hobbies 2019”, which has some review content and is already in progress, all reviews of anything like recorded or live music, movies, television and books will be on my other website.

Spectator Sports:

Professional Wrestling


Visits to Sellers of Artifacts
Sports Travel (Sporting Events, Museums, etc.)

My Other Website:


Personal Thoughts
Thoughts About What’s Happening in the Wider World
Archival Stuff from Older Websites/Social Media/etc. Except Anything from the Old Trading Card Website

Physical Artifact Collecting Hobbies:

Concert Set Lists and Ticket Stubs

Other Creative Things:

My Own Recorded Music
General Photography


Music (Recorded and Live)


Scenic Travel (Not Including Visits to Sellers of Artifacts, or the Sports Parts of Sports Travel)

For instance, in this case, if I traveled to Tokyo (and I hope to at some point in my life, and went to a New Japan Pro-Wrestling event, a NPB game, a video game store, and then actually saw a whole lot of Tokyo outside of my hobbies, the hobby stuff would be here, and the rest would be there.

You may also notice “Concert Set Lists and Ticket Stubs” on the list for the other site. The ticket stubs currently reside there, in a fairly large gallery. That gallery, despite being a gallery of physical artifacts, will most likely be staying put on the other site, and getting an update, as well. I thought about moving it, but that thought gave me a headache, so it’s out. To date, I’ve been posting physical set lists, when I get them, over here, but I think those will be moving to where the ticket stubs are. I’ve already changed my mind on this once, though, so stay tuned for more indecision.

I think this covers things, but we’ll consider this an evolving document, and if I need to adjust it over time, I will. Thanks for bearing with me as I sort things out!

Posts About Posts

1. “My Year In Hobbies 2019” is on the way, but as I couldn’t escape having it be super-complex, it’s taking a while. I’m into September on my draft. It may be a few more days at this rate (especially with Wrestle Kingdom 14 happening this weekend, and yes, that’s foreshadowing for this upcoming post, as well), but hopefully it’s worth your while, and not too overwhelming. For the long-timers who followed me here from the card site, there aren’t a ton of bubble gum cards in it (I do have a lot of hobbies), but they do make a fairly strong showing. Stay tuned!

2. Also on the “stay tuned” front, the separate post going over how I did on my goals for my hobbies from this past year (interestingly, my post about my year, despite having a bunch of highlights, is not very goal-oriented), and what my 2020 hobby goals are is also in the works and, amazingly, might not be super complicated to write up. It’ll be up next after the year in review post.

3. Because I really needed a distraction while I was putting these posts together, I have finally begun archiving what I feel are the best posts from the old card site, since I mentioned the possibility of doing so here, with new notes on the old posts as circumstances warrant. The first two are up now, and while they’re being added to this site at the original date and time they were posted on the old site, they can be found more easily by using the Classic Posts From The Old Card Site category. A link to that category will be permanently added to the sidebar shortly.

In the meantime, I hope you all had great holidays, or, if you don’t celebrate holidays, I hope you at least got some rest, peace and quiet while the other people were celebrating holidays.